Specialist Classes
In their weekly art class students are taught not only basic art skills and concepts but also that art is a reflection of God's creation! Many methods are explored in a variety of projects. Each year builds on skills learned in previous years and by the time students reach middle school they have been exposed to a wide variety of both 2-D and 3-D art (along with related art history). Students are always encouraged to explore their own unique individuality and creativity in every project they do...that is the best part of art!
Students through grade 3 have music class twice a week (a total of 75 minutes). During class time they play elementary percussion instruments, such as rhythm sticks, hand drums, guiros, triangles and tambourines. In addition they perform an annual Christmas and Spring concert. The students also sing during the Grandparents and Veterans Day assemblies.
Students in grades 4-8 have music class once a week (50 minutes). During class they learn and sing music performed at Mass, study general music theory and facts about music history. In addition they participate in choir chimes and have opportunities to participate in band and guitar lessons.
Students in grades 4-8 have music class once a week (50 minutes). During class they learn and sing music performed at Mass, study general music theory and facts about music history. In addition they participate in choir chimes and have opportunities to participate in band and guitar lessons.
Physical Education
Grades 5K-8 have Physical Education twice a week for 45 minutes. Students in 3K and 4K have Physical Education once a week for twenty minutes. The beginning of class is devoted to strengthening the major muscle groups of the body including the heart, upper and lower body muscles and the core. The remaining class time consists of skill work through various games and activities.
Through second grade, students receive Religious instruction with their homeroom teacher. The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are received in second grade. Students in grades 3-8 receive Religious instruction with a specialist teacher.
Technology Goals:
Preparing students for life in the age of technology means equipping them for life-long learning using the most current advances.
Preparing students for life in the age of technology means equipping them for life-long learning using the most current advances.
- Utilize technology to complete real tasks and solve real problems cooperatively.
- Employ technology as a natural part of the working/learning process.
- Provide a variety of techniques to create products in a variety of media.
- Become familiar with a Windows-based environment
- Embrace change as a normal condition of learning technology.
- Seek information on emerging and development technologies.
- Use technology safely and ethically.
- Know the capabilities of technology as a communication tool in the information age.
- Students will know the importance of acquiring technology skills in preparation for building a future in the workplace and a global economy.